protein-powderI am an OLD DOG in the Fitness Industry 🙂 I’ve used it all and  probably purchased everything on the GNC shelves at one point or another. (Perhaps another blog will be all the other desperate attempts with horribly bad items that I have used to try and achieve results.)

I know we become product loyal; that’s fine! I did as well, since I didn’t know other options as well and just “did as the bodybuilding community did.”

My focus was on buying all the supplements, protein powders, fat burners, energy shots and more that the magazines and bodybuilding websites promoted. Desperate to look like “that”, I wasn’t educated though on what was really in those mass produced products. Additionally, of course those peeps would promote it, because they are sponsored reps or affiliates…..duh!

Did you know that the reason X product is so much cheaper, can sit on the shelves for a loooong time, and stay exactly consistent with their nutritional value?

Artificial ingredients, fillers, and fabrication. What is in your protein powder does matter.

You may not be at a place in your life journey to care about it right now, so you say, ‘I don’t care. It’s $20 for a 5lb tub! I’m buying it!’

Doesn’t that raise a red flag to you? Why so cheap?

Cheap = cheap ingredients.

But I know, I know – you are invincible. You won’t ever get old, weak, fat, lose flexibility, lose balance, and can always win at everything. I know. It won’t happen to you.

Age really does bring awareness and wisdom. Thankfully, the younger population is aware of this, as we just didn’t know back when I was younger.

But to now learn what those products are really made of, why they are cheap, can sit on the shelves, and be mass produced so quickly – those products are like plastic. Made to hang around. Forever.

As I’m learning about what is best for my body to get the best results, changes, and to keep me feeling young…it strikes me how important these areas really are, and how I will know when I put it in my body it’s working for me, but not setting me up like a time bomb.

So yes, I’m going to talk about Shakeology. Tune out now if you want.

Yes I am a rep for them, but I do not promote other products they sell, since I personally don’t use, like, or recommend them. To each their own.

I have always been direct and honest. No reason to pull one over on someone. It always bites you in the butt anyway.

Did you know that the nutritional values listed on the bags of Shakeology fluctuate depending on the season? Since these ingredients are captured from all across the globe in the most nutrient dense lands- the weather plays a role on the energy level of that rare nutrient. This is why the calories per serving can fluctuate up to 10 calories per serving, depending on the season.

Did you know that each batch is quality tested? Not 1x per week or 1x per month, each batch.

Did you know the packaging of these shakes isn’t all done by machines for mass faster production? Because the machines can change an ingredient.

Did you know that most traditional vanilla protein powder out there really isn’t natural and pure – even if it says it is? It’s a ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ situation.  When the vanilla bean gets cultivated, harvested, and processed, it’s only natural if it’s all done by hand – not machines. This is why we delayed having a vanilla release. They almost released a vanilla about 3 years ago but then halted when they realized that machines were involved. It wasn’t until they found a location in Madagascar that HAND POLLINATES (think of a bee going from flower to flower).  We have HANDS going from pod to pod! The vanilla bean matures and processes by hand and sun.

Honestly, there’s a lot more. The point for this mega long post is that, you may not be ready in your life to put value into what you are putting in your body. You may still look at it as powder vs powder- it’s no different so I’ll just buy the cheap sh*t.  Unless you really dive deep into knowing what Superfoods really do for your body, you may not see the value.

And that’s ok. Your time will come when you can’t do what you use to do and everything is so much harder. You will learn that it all comes back to what you put in your body.

Just like I did.

If you are ready to start focusing on purity- reach out to me. I’ll send you a sample.