Are you unsure of what to do next in your business?

Have you been dabbling in different areas but not producing much success?

Confused on how to actually make it BIG in this business?

Looking for the secret to success from those who have achieved it?
Are you…

Well, I’ll be honest and give you one of the secret’s to success, which is actually following through. Too many times people “want” it to happen, but lack consistency and follow through on every action. It’s too easy to let situation, excuse, or just a busy life in general be the reason why you haven’t been successful.
If you want to make a BIG difference in your business this year, I’ll share with you my 10 MUST DO tips that you can not go back on.

1. NARROW DOWN YOUR FOCUS – You can’t do it all. Evaluate what part of the business you are doing you enjoy the most- and just crush the heck out of doing just that.

2. ATTENDING LIVE EVENTS – Building a business by yourself in your home can sometimes trap you in a dark closet challenging your belief and will to succeed. Attending LIVE events locally and nationally with the company keeps you RAMPED up on the hill of success. Being around the energy that drives the business and the leaders.

3. CONNECT – Discover the training and team calls that speak to you! Never miss a call as it’s a check into the “office”.

4. PERSONAL GROWTH & EDUCATION – What you do daily to better your mindset and your mission speaks volumes. You want to know how to do something, google it. Someone is offering advice.

5. BE A PRODUCT OF THE PRODUCT – Do more! Your success is by being fully invested. If you aren’t passionate about the services or products you offer, it speaks volumes to those around you.

6. USE THE WHEEL – The wheel has been created for you, stop trying to find the “what else”. Just do it and stop the excuses that it’s someone else’s fault as to why you aren’t successful. It’s SIMPLE to share “this”. Share the product, share the service, but more importantly share the presentations that can do the talking for you. Stop deciding what someone would do with this and how they would be perfect. Just put the seed out there and let them make their own direction of possibility.

7. OWN UP – Choose to do the work, and do it. Period. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and just pull your pants on and go to work.

8. SCHEDULE YOUR WORK TIME – Business won’t just fall in your lap if go about your day surfing social media and going about your daily chores or obligation. What’s your work hours? And during those hours- keep a record log of your activity. You will clearly see where you are wasting time or actually just doing busy work.

9. GET OUT THERE – Who know’s what you are doing? Keeping it a secret won’t build your business. Be proud, stand up, share openly without a fear of judgement. If you are fearful, clear sign this isn’t a right fit for you.

10. NO MATTER WHAT – This is the achievement you set monthly that, No Matter What, you hit. Not a goal, cause goals can sometimes be pushed back. This is a no matter what achievement. Think of it as a personal quota or you are fired.

There is opportunity for success. Sadly, not everyone is cut out for an insane level of greatness. Sometimes they have to work on their communication skills, or their negative nelly attitude, or just purely being so convicted in the mission that they will do whatever it takes to be successful. There is a difference and the talkers will talk and whine but the achievers will own up, focus, and follow through.

Check out this video that gives you more tips on how to balance your business with a full time job and obligations: