How do you actually become successful when you are working to build your own home business?

Finding the right coach, mentor, and trainer is going to help you achieve success faster as well as not have you following old school network marketing techniques like this message I received in my Facebook Messages.

Now do these old school network marketing techniques work? YES! But for long term, deeply connected, life changing success, it doesn’t. Many times, it creates flash in the pan success but then dries up and crumbles like a house of cards falling because the foundation that they built their business on was centered around numbers and their own rank and income achievement. People don’t care about your success when you promised them they will achieve the perfect life, perfect body, and perfect career. People need to feel good about what they are doing. Not embarrassed to be connected to “that product” , and want to put the effort and time into building something that will be longterm and something that they see doing as long as God’s plan allows them.

I’m not posting this to make fun, or to discredit any home business. Whichever home business you do, DO IT with the passion deep from your gut knowing that with all your effort and time you give in building it – will impact and change someone’s life.

Here’s the email message I received:




















I dissected the email so you can learn the parts and how it’s easily a scripted template message lacking any personal information about me other than my name.

I responded back to them. Now, sometimes I delete these messages. Sometimes I reply back and “act dumb” to lead them on. And sometimes, I’ll use it as a “teaching moment.”  This response back was a mix of being a wee bit sarcastic ;), obvious, as well as helping them see how they can improve their techniques. I did remove the majority of the personal language that will directly tell you the company as I don’t need to discredit ANY home business that is changing people’s lives. If this one is (in which I don’t know cause I’m not part of or don’t support their mission, products, or message for lifestyle), but this was a company that is in the health and fitness home business space so you can understand why I’m speaking to that direction.


My email message back to the said marketer who spammed me in Facebook messaging:

“I wish you could have someone who truly believes in you and understands how to effectively build a home business, especially in health and fitness. I’m sorry that your mentor is leading you down the wrong path, which in the end is going to frustrate you, burn bridges, and never help you achieve your goals. These crafted pseudo personal messages that you are spamming out to anyone that comes up in your search criteria is NOT how to find new contacts, customers, or (title they have in their company) (whatever that means).
I am SURE you are getting people “falling for it” with the emotional desire of WANTING to hit that next Rank!! Or the mass amount of prospects you get because of your training techniques, as well as even humanizing this crafted scripted template email by adding in your real life possible scenarios.

But the truth is, I’m a pro. I know these marketing techniques that prey on those who are desperate for change or to achieve success. To give you clarity on why this won’t bring in quality high achieving drivers who actually can change YOUR business because they are doers and achievers naturally, here are the signs:

-If you actually were interested in me and working to build a relationship for possible future development, you’d already know that I’m a professional fitness professional and do not support or believe in “bandaids” that help you lose weight. Imagine (doing this activity with that product) everyday, for the rest…of…your…life as a way to be fit, build muscle, have flexibility, have energy, endurance, increased cardio capacity and more – is obviously not effective.
Those quick fix products can show results for people, but that never changes the real problem, their head. So if you have a product that (goes on) their head and it changes the way they view themselves and the way they are living their life with the constant battle of unhealthy habits, then that will be a great product. Because it doesn’t matter what workout you do, what you eat, what you take- if you haven’t decided to change your LIFESTYLE to finally be a healthier person doing the activity everyday that creates a long life filled with joy, confidence, and the fit body they desire – then (doing this activity with that product)  ain’t ever gonna change their life. It will dig them deeper into a depressed state of not being in great shape but spending so much money for so long on the hope of looking amazing.

-If you actually were interested in me and knowing what I am capable of in achieving in a home business, then you’d already know, I don’t NEED to hit that “Next Rank”. I have built the largest home business team with the company, that you didn’t even know I was doing because you are mass spamming. I have already achieved the TOP rank TWICE in the company and was the first person ever in the company to ever do that. I have created a multi-million dollar business and have mentored and groomed other multi-millionaires, millionaires, and 6 figure earners in 5 years of building this home business. I’m not looking out for my own achievement, I work to help other people achieve success and their goals. We focus on the full picture. When you can impact someone’s life by helping them through more than just selling a product- that’s success. I don’t go out to force products on people. Products don’t change people’s lives, people change people’s lives.

I offer a lot of training and post it all over for any marketer to follow. I’d suggest moving away from the old school network marketing techniques that your company and your mentor are teaching you, as it’s only going to embarrass you, defeat you, and keep you in the same place you started without achieving more income, friendships, freedom, joy in your life, as well as what I believe is most important- especially if it really is true that you have a 14 month old, Time.

I have 2 kids myself, and TIME slips so fast. I started this business when my son was 1.5 years old and my daughter was still in my belly, pregnant. I worked hard establishing systems, training, support, and mentoring others to achieve success. Those nights I was up late with a crying baby and couldn’t sleep, I didn’t spend spamming people, but studying how to be a better leader, learning more about the company, learning how to support people better, and creating systems and training for my team to plug into so they could build their businesses faster, easier….so that we ALL could have control over our TIME and live life WITH our kids going on vacation whenever we wanted, being able to Coach their sports, going to school anytime we wanted just to have lunch with them, and so much more. Because THAT is important and TIME slips by so fast.

I truly wish you can achieve great success. That’s my purpose in life, is helping others achieve amazing success……not to sell a gimmick, a sham, or the latest hot gadget.
Changing someone’s ability to live life is why I do what I do.

If you are open to changing your path and direction of which home business you are building and want to look into helping others through Team Beachbody Coaching, then give me a shout. With all of my insane success, doesn’t mean I am done, achieved, or there yet. Because there’s always another person out there who has it in them, wants change, and just needs mentorship and direction – and that’s what is meant for me to do for them. I personally sponsor new reps to work as a Coach with me all the time providing they aren’t just hopping on to the next big thing and actually want to improve their life and the lives of others around them through health, fitness, income, and in being a tribe.

If you are happy working in the capacity you are and achieving HUGE success, income, impacting people’s lives, and truly believe that what YOU represent in the company you represent is something you are SO PROUD of- then I wish you well and continued learning to become a better entrepreneur.


So THAT was my message back- and guess what? THEY REPLIED BACK ALREADY! While I was typing this blog article up!

Check out what they said:

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Well, there ya go! Mystery- solved! BAD Business building – check!

As I wrap this up, I’m being serious with the way I personally get people started, trained, and my mission with changing people’s lives.

As you can see, I do not teach the marketing business building techniques that just make you squirm, cringe, and that have been giving building a home business a bad name in network marketing.

I truly do want to help you find yourself in success and to live the life that you can’t even imagine, surpassing what you are dreaming of now. If you want to look into becoming a Team Beachbody Coach and having me personally be your coach to mentor you in achieving what feels GOOD, please email me

(please note- if you are currently a Beachbody Coach, I can not personally mentor you as you are already assigned to someone else and can’t switch coaches unless you cancel for 6 months.)