Fact– You are NOT too busy, you just haven’t scheduled in the time to work out or you haven’t made it a priority in your life. It’s just an excuse, and the first thing you have to do, is admit that you are making excuses. I think nowadays, we can all have an argument on who is busier than whom, correct? Learn how to fit in exercise every day.

I have had many directions and obstacles in my life that could easily be used as an excuse as to why I wasn’t working out. I used to travel nationally/internationally. Flying all day, working all day in an unknown environment, eating out every day; easy recipe to just go back to the hotel and watch tv.

I have had 2 babies, both via c-section, while working 2 full time jobs, 1 managing and developing 60 fitness professionals for a major fitness company and the other was starting up my home business JC Dwyer, Inc where I’m working in creating a monster downline and achievement in the Team Beachbody home business.  I was also scheduling and presenting training on weekends (3rd job) and so much more!  Was that an excuse, could have been, but it wasn’t.

I’m going to be honest, I personally don’t LOVE working out all the time.  I’ll be VERY honest.  If it wasn’t for me teaching group exercise, and being a fitness and health coach with the Team Beachbody business, I probably wouldn’t want to work out as much.

But even if those things aren’t your goals, you don’t have to believe that’s the only way you can find the time to workout.  You may just need to find your own reason for accountability. What keeps everyone accountable to their goals is different. I have a fitness business that keeps me accountable.  Just because you do not have a business, or do not want one, does nto mean you do not have other reasons to stay account able.  Do you want to feel better, set a good example for your children, have more energy to do more things with your family? These are all accountability reasons.

When I moved from upstate Rochester NY to outside of Dallas TX.  Family of 4, driving 2 separate vehicles, 1500 miles. My 2 toddlers always wanted to ride in mommies car, which I loved =).  But moving across country, away from the state you have always known, the life you developed, comforts of home- is stressful and exhausting.

I didn’t schedule in working out….said ‘it would only be a couple days, I’ll get back into it.’  But the struggles of waiting to get into your new home, closing, getting the your stuff moved in from the truck, putting it away can easily be an excuse to not fit in exercise.  I did just that! Didn’t schedule it and left it up to how I felt that day and if I had time to work out.

In a new townn, I was faced with no classes to teach for group exercise! That was an EASY way for me to have it on schedule, I had to teach other people! It’s was in my hands now.

After 1 week of packing up, traveling across country, unpacking some, I finally scheduled a work out.

It felt horrible! I wanted to quit so many times, but I had to follow through and just do it, because it’s that important.

So the moral of this is, schedule it! Life is busy! You can easily let it take over you!  If you work for someone else, work from home, or don’t even have a job, your day can easily escape you and get filled with errands and other people’s requests.

Here are some tips for how to fit in exercise every day:

1)   Get your work out gear ready the night before!

2)   Make your To-Do list which includes your work out

3)   Put it on your actual calendar- schedule the EXACT time you will work out!

4)   Set an alarm reminder for 30 mins before your scheduled time

5)   If you are overwhelmed with things to do when your work out time hits, and you HAVE to do them, change up the length and intensity of your work out to be faster and more intense.

The things you do for other people, the business you build, the meals you make, the errands you run are temporary. How you feel about how you look, your energy level, and your overall positive feeling that you did something for yourself is the fountain of youth. That is longevity, so make it a priority.

For more tips on how to fit in exercise every day, follow me on facebook.