I love giving advice. I write blogs, videos, social media posts and more! But there continues to be a delicate situation to handle that happens to all entrepreneurs- how to handle people who want free training or services.

You know, this is the person that emails you asking you to go out to coffee so they can pick your brain. Or that long email littered with compliments and pressure to respond back with all your inside systems, processes and know-how for how you became so successful.

It even goes as far as to the person ignoring your promotion of a challenge group and a purchase to be a part, but they beg, plead, and even throw in some gut wrenching stories to make you bend to include them in your group for free.

Have you ever had someone who doesn’t want to pay full price for the product you offer and boldly asks you to get it to them at your costs or even less than that?

So what would make anyone think they can still have the right to get your training, mentoring, services, and even products for free?

It is quite flattering to be approached and hopefully you stay humble and appreciative in your response. But often I find the road ends when they are just on a fact-finding mission. That mission is to pick my brain to gather as much free training and information to either save themselves money or time in researching.

But don’t our brains cost money to maintain?

You didn’t get to where you are without investing in yourself.  All the conferences, product suites, mentors and consultants you have invested in and continue to invest in to keep growing and keep creating a duplicable system for your team.

Even if you haven’t created the level of success you are looking towards, you have made a huge investment in your own research time, planning, creating, purchasing, and managing.

YOU’VE invested the time – time away from your life and other obligations.

You have to protect your investment. How fair is it to me to give away all the systems, processes, information, tools, and products when that is the livelihood of your business. That IS your business.

With the Internet being so widely available loaded with free information, people automatically assume that you too have to provide information for free.

Honestly, go ahead and read the free stuff. But when you still find yourself lacking answers, then apparently the FREE stuff doesn’t always work. You can’t come to a professional and ask them to work for free. In essence, that is what you’re doing when you ask to pick someone’s brain.

But, have you ever noticed a trend? A trend in certain people or in your business? If you have given in and continue to give in to this request- the words getting out. You have to pull back and stop the horses right away, or you will be spiraling down in frustration and lack of success.

Truth is, people always want free. YOU want free out there, too, right?

The truth is, because social media is SO easy to find other “like” people- those freebie searchers will do just that. They will get what they want from you and actually move on to the next person with the same question.

Sometimes, you can actually FEEL the copy/paste from the email they sent you.

The most prevalent question: how do I draw the line?


The “I Don’t have money” response— I’ve promptly replied, “Ah, such a bummer. I’d really love for you to be a part of this especially since you told me you just don’t know how to plan your meals to lose weight and you don’t know what to do for exercise, but if things change- just give me a shout! I run them monthly”

This means they either have to delay their plans or come up with the money to fund their dreams. Period. Giving away information is the quickest way to end up frustrated and poor! Why are you doing this in the first place?

If you HONESTLY don’t care about making ANY money, then giveaway until your hearts content.

If you’re having problem drawing the line in the sand, here are some rules you can establish:

  • Believe that what you know and offer is valuable
  • Create a Schedule/Terms
  • Don’t back Down or Break

People always prefer honestly, as long as it’s delivered in a nice way you can always push to resources that answer their questions.


 Be More Direct.

“I’m super busy right now with building my business and I surely can make some time but would need to have more of a direction in what you might be looking for. Are you looking for just some tips or are you looking to be a client?”

“My work schedule is quite full these days. Are you interested in becoming a client or a quick question?”

Pass on your Public Resources/More commitment.

“I’m not available for lunch but you might want to consider getting my meal plan and training system as it provides all my best ways to reach your goals in one simple place.”

“This was actually created because I was getting asked a lot from people in your exact same situation.”

“I’m quite busy scheduling appointments with people who are looking for consultations, as well as my services. I surely can schedule an appointment for you too. What I will need for you to do first is: XYZ”

Blame it on Someone Else

“I’d love to, but I have a firm rule that if I don’t have time for a visit to see my sister, mother (or someone else important to you) then I don’t have time to meet people casually for coffee. UNLESS, this has to do with you looking to join with me in my business, as then- that’s business! We surely can!

Otherwise if this is just socially, I’m sure we’d have a blast and I honestly don’t want to insult you or leave you hanging, but I’m going to have to pass.”

For more free tips, follow me on facebook at www.facebook.com/coachdwyer