• Are you starving after a workout?
  • Are you afraid to eat too many calories after you workout?
  • Do you eat the right post-workout foods?


Post-Workout Snack Ideas

These energizing snacks pack the right nutrients to help you recover from your workout without undoing your calorie burn.

It’s a common exercise problem –  You’re starving after you workout, but you don’t want to eat too much and negate all the calories you just burned. A good rule of thumb: Eat about half of what you burned during your workout.  Make it a mix of complex carbs, protein, and some fat (the good kind), which helps replenish energy and repair muscles. Here are some suggestions:

Greek Yogurt, Orange, and Peppers

Weird, right?. Vitamin C-rich red peppers and oranges help prevent oxygen depletion of  your muscles that occurs during intense workout sessions, while the yogurt contains an energy-restoring mix of carbs and protein.

Whole Grain Waffles Topped with Yogurt and Almond Butter

After a solid exercise session, top a frozen whole-grain waffle with low-fat or fat-free Greek yogurt and one tablespoon of almond butter. You’ll be getting an ideal ratio of carbs, protein, and healthy fat in this post-workout snack.

Tuna on Toast

Tuna, a lean protein, is an ideal post-workout snack. Drizzle a little lemon juice and olive oil over 4 ounces of water-packed tuna, then spread over a slice of whole wheat bread – carbs and protein together have a better response to post-workout recovery.

Protein Shake

There’s a reason fitness buffs swear by them. For the ultimate low-maintenance, no-fuss post-workout snack, toss these in your gym bag.  Try one scoop of protein powder or Shakeology  in a clean, empty water bottle, and an 8-ounce carton of shelf-stable almond milk. After your workout, add the milk or even just water to the bottle, and drink up. Protein powders come in various flavors (vanilla, strawberry, chocolate) so you’re sure to find one you love.

Eggs and Hummus

Slice a hard-boiled egg in half and spread each side with one tablespoon of hummus for a light post-workout snack that’s packed with protein. The egg  yolk contains crucial amino acids that aid in muscle repair. Add chopped chives or red pepper flakes on top for flavor.

Cottage Cheese Blueberry Toast

Spread a half-cup of cottage cheese on millet toast (or whole grain bread) and top with blueberries for a filling post-workout snack that will cut those ravenous post-workout feelings.

Simple Trail Mix

Nibble a quarter-cup of dry roasted nuts for a healthy dose of protein and good-for-you fats. Try pistachios as a post-workout snack because they’re richer in potassium—an electrolyte you lose through sweat—than most other nuts. Toss them in a zip-top bag with raisins for a portable snack.

Low-fat Cheese and Fruit

Try low-fat cheese (try individual string cheese or a mini Babybel for a good on-the-go option) with a fiber-rich apple. It’s a quick way to refuel fatigued muscles in a post-workout snack.