If you’re looking to get ripped with marketing gimmicks, lotions, pills, shakes, etc, don’t bother. They’re going to keep you on a roller coaster ride of weight loss and gain.

atfj-how-do-i-succeed-fitness-wise-this-new-year-3Staying in tip-top shape year-round requires hard work and discipline. Of course, many factors come into play and some factors are more important than others.
Some tips to finding a healthy balance so you don’t go into a heavy yo-yo effect.

1) Fuel your Body – Genetics play an integral part in how hard each person has to work to stay consistently lean and ripped. Eating small, frequent meals throughout the day can help keep their furnace burning and metabolism going.

2) Train Smart – I’m an advocate for HIIT training, where you push the limits of your body for short bursts, with short recovery. Do that about 3-4 times per week mixed in with 1-2 low steady state intensity exercises like the elliptical or treadmill.

3) Find your % Rule – Some people like to follow am 80/20 rule. 80% of your week, your diet is scheduled, clean, and planned with control of calories and portions. 20% of the time, you allow for leniency and enjoyment. šŸ˜‰ When you’re on a clean diet, it’s hard to stay disciplined 24/7. Healthy eating seven days every week isn’t always possible, which is why having a cheat meal or two during the week is important.

4) Keep your Appetite Under Control –Ā Changing your diet can be tough; especially when you’re accustomed to eating sugar and junk food. To keep your cravings and appetite in check throughout the day, drink more water. Aim for at least eight glasses per day. Try drinking a glass of water before each meal for an extra sense of fullness. Ā Best rule of thumb is to drink half your bodyweight in ounces.

Additionally, Pile on the produce! Eating high-fiber fruits and vegetables with your meals or as an in-between snack can help you feel fuller longer and curb your appetite.

5) Keep your Progress in Check – The scale isn’t always a good way to measure your success. Be sure to take pictures of yourself often, use your clothes as a gage of your success, but additionally take measurements and check your body fat % every couple weeks.

But in general, decide to be healthy. There will come points in your life where you set strong goals for yourself and will have moments of being really tight in your meal plan and workouts. But for the most part, if you feel constantly restricted, unsociable, and bitter at the lifestyle you have chosen; consider re-evaluating your goals.

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