My name is Christine, but when I introduce myself, many of the times the person returns my name back at me as “Kristina” or “Chris”. Funny since when I was in 7th grade, a late bloomer, not allowed to wear makeup, with my boy style haircut so my “rattail” could look longer- I actually wanted…


Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs

Do you eat a low-carb diet because you think it is healthier? Is a low-carb diet healthy? What is a good carb? What’s the difference between a sandwich made on white bread and one made with 100% whole grain bread? Or, the difference between French fries and side salad made with spinach, tomatoes, carrots, and…


PiYo Workout Coming Out on DVD

HOLD YOUR HORSES! New Info about PiYo Notifications! If you haven’t experienced PiYo, your time is coming! The home consumer workout program is set to be released June 19, 2014. This workout includes body weight training, flexibility, core strength and more! Here’s a promo video so you can see what it’s about: PIYO HOME WORKOUT…



 How much protein do you need to gain muscle? Is a protein shake the same as protein that I eat? What is the best source of protein? Recently, I posted blogs about pea and rice protein, which led to a bunch of questions about protein, in general.  Here are the top questions I get: Protein is…



What is multi-level marketing? How does multi-level marketing work? Can you be successful in an MLM?           Ever been confused about how a “home business” works? Most people have heard the term MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) and usually at the end of that the word, “scheme” is added – giving the whole…


Don’t Worry; Be Happy

Do you surround yourself with positive people? What kind of vibes do you give off? Are you the energy sucker in the crowd? Did I just date myself with that title? Who knew that song was such good advice? 🙂 Do some people just drain the life out of you? You know, energy suckers? Surprisingly, they are…


Bust your Biggest Fat Traps!

Do you eat all ‘low-fat’ food? Do you drink a shake once a day? Do you control your calories? Bust your Biggest Fat Traps!       Be careful of Low Fat Labels! – Low Fat doesn’t mean – eat as much as you want – Control your calories by having a SHAKE! -SHAKEOLOGY is…


The low-down on Protein

Why do we need protein? Protein is one of the big three macronutrients along with carbohydrates and fat. Adequate protein intake is essential for good health: It’s necessary for maintaining the body’s normal growth and its muscle mass (which is mostly protein), its immune system, and heart and respiratory functions. So how much protein do…
