How do YOU stay motivated- Fitness Professionals? To Keep On….To be a Team Player….to be creative….to be more? FITNESS INSTRUCTOR BURN OUT – it’s a real thing! Being the one responsible for motivating others day after day requires a servant’s heart, cause we all know- their ain’t no big money in fitness j-o-b-s. What I…


I Screwed Up the BASICS in BUSINESS Year end wrap up! Hear Christine reflect on her past year and how she admitted: I Screwed Up the BASICS in BUSINESS! Find out the TOP 3 areas she has failed to follow through on this past year to grow her team. The fundamentals of business, home business, and network marketing are the same. It’s…


What Do FIT Women Look Like to You?

What Does FIT mean or look like to you? What do fit women look like? Today I was called a “Jacked up He-She” on Facebook for one of my mini-workout videos that I posted to help people get inspired to workout. Honestly, it doesn’t bother me. Truly. Maybe when I was younger it would have,…



BAD MARKETING TECHNIQUES RUIN YOUR REPUTATION You may think you are getting your message out there – but what message are you sending? Are you reaching people individually or mass promoting? Is any marketing really good marketing?  NO! In this episode, Christine breaks down how bad marketing techniques ruin your reputation. Christine Dwyer is the founder of…


How To Rank YouTube Videos Fast James Wedmore Interview

How To Rank YouTube Videos Fast James Wedmore Interview The Video KING James Wedmore….. a live periscope interview!  Are you looking to increase your presence on YouTube? How do you increase your YouTube video traffic? In this podcast, Christine talks to the MASTER in YouTube video optimization. Build a system to maximize creativity and have…


Treat and Prevent Sore Muscles

Don’t let sore muscles slow you down. Do your muscles get sore a day or two after your workout? Treat and Prevent Sore Muscles What To Do About Sore Muscles Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) describes muscle pain, muscle soreness or muscle stiffness that occurs in the day or two after exercise. This muscle soreness…
