Sales without Selling

If you’re involved in a company or position that involves sales – you’ve got to know how to sell without selling. There are very few people who aren’t very annoyed by the over zealous salesman who wants to know ‘How can I get you in this car today?’! So how do you make that happen?…


One Year Can Change Your LIfe

One year, flies by so fast. I can recall looking back in my life where, “just another year has passed, and not much has changed.” But until I decided to become an entrepreneur and really focus strongly on changing myself, my life, and my family’s lives, each year has now become significantly different. I have…


My TOP 10 SCREW UPS for 2015

My TOP 10 SCREW UPS for 2015! My Boo Boo’s! My TOP 10 Mistakes made in 2015 as an Entrepreneur! My Top 10 Screw Ups. Problems, breakdowns and failures are inevitable in business.  As the New Year rolls in, it’s perfectly normal to do a year end review and plan for a more successful…


Motivation Regeneration!

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing; that’s why we recommend it daily.” Zig Ziglar. Have you lost your motivation? Stalled out? Stopped moving completely? Let’s face it; sometimes it is just hard to stay motivated.  It doesn’t mean that it’s a lost cause. Regardless of where you are, how close…
