Are you Scared to Eat?

Do you REALLY believe that when you hear people say, eat more often to lose weight, that it’s true? Or do you think, “Well, for other people, but not MY body. I’ll gain weight if I actually eat!” I struggled with this for the greater part of my adult life. Always challenged with eating too…

How to plan your meals for weightloss

If you’re thinking about losing a few pounds, there are a few ingredients you need to ensure your success. Of course you need to have an exercise program scheduled in your week, complete with resistance, stretching, and cardio training.  BUT, I’d like to focus mostly on how to organize and plan what you should be eating…

Suffer from Fat Phobia?

Ok, I’m not talking about extra pounds we may carry around; I’m talking about EATING fat.  I get asked a lot about whether we should eat fat or what kind of fats. Fat free, Low-fat, non-fat, trans fat, saturated fat…what’s good for me and what’s gonna kill me? What does healthy fat do for our…