Don’t Worry; Be Happy

Do you surround yourself with positive people? What kind of vibes do you give off? Are you the energy sucker in the crowd? Did I just date myself with that title? Who knew that song was such good advice? 🙂 Do some people just drain the life out of you? You know, energy suckers? Surprisingly, they are…

PiYo Workout Coming Out on DVD

HOLD YOUR HORSES! New Info about PiYo Notifications! If you haven’t experienced PiYo, your time is coming! The home consumer workout program is set to be released June 19, 2014. This workout includes body weight training, flexibility, core strength and more! Here’s a promo video so you can see what it’s about: PIYO HOME WORKOUT…

Bootcamp Workout Ideas

Are you looking for a new workout? Do you teach boot camp workouts? Why are boot camp workouts effective? Boot camp workouts endure, because they combine three basics of any fitness program — strength, cardio and agility — into one challenging workout. Usually a combination of military and athletic training drills, boot camp workouts resist…

How To Create A Successful Blog

Do you want to start blogging? Do you already blog? Do you have a niche to blog about? 1. Posting frequency matters, but not as much as persistence. It’s no secret that the more quality content you publish on your blog, the faster it will grow. However, there’s something that’s significantly more important than your…