Eat Clean? What’s that mean?!

What do you mean eat clean ~  wash my food real good?  Ok, so surely everyone has heard about eating clean.  So what is it? Hype? Real Deal? And is it possible? There is no fitness goal which you can achieve without first cleaning up your diet.  Changing your diet is one of the biggest…

3 Day De-Tox / Cleanse!

HOW TO STILL EAT, ALL WHILE DE-TOXING AND CLEANSING OUT YOUR BODY IN ONLY 3 DAYS!! The Shakeology 3 day cleanse!The Science Behind the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse by Steve Edwards, Director of Results I like to call the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse a “performance cleanse.” This is because it was designed to be done with a…