Benefits of Drinking Shakeology

I wanted to share with you some of the benefits of drinking Shakeology. I have been drinking this shake for about 1 year. I have to say I am completely addicted. It’s like some people have to have coffee in the morning running through their veins. Well I have to have my Shakeology cleaning out…


WE’RE GOING TO HAWAII!! Beachbody has created an amazing business that ANYONE can do! If you are in front of people, if you are on social media, if you WAKE UP each day—you can do this business! Its such a “feel” good business that most people do ANYWAY! If you are a fitness professional of…

Turbo and Pregnancy

Here’s what Turbo does for ya!! This is Jessica Losapio, one of my faithful TK particpants and friend. She got TK certified in Nov 2006. She worked HARD to master how to teach (as she never taught a class-ever!) She found out she was pregnant when she was about 4 1/2 months along! – She…