Suffer from Fat Phobia?

Ok, I’m not talking about extra pounds we may carry around; I’m talking about EATING fat.  I get asked a lot about whether we should eat fat or what kind of fats. Fat free, Low-fat, non-fat, trans fat, saturated fat…what’s good for me and what’s gonna kill me? What does healthy fat do for our…


Eat Clean? What’s that mean?!

What do you mean eat clean ~  wash my food real good?  Ok, so surely everyone has heard about eating clean.  So what is it? Hype? Real Deal? And is it possible? There is no fitness goal which you can achieve without first cleaning up your diet.  Changing your diet is one of the biggest…


Eating healthy on the GO!

Yeah, airport security, traffic jams or crabby kids are tough when you’re traveling but so is eating healthy on the go! Whether you’re on the go at work, running errands all day, heading out for a long weekend or leaving for vacation – taking some time to plan for nutrition is as important as everything…


Nutrition…For your Skin?

WAIT! Before you buy another skin cream for wrinkles, acne, psoriasis or any skin condition – head to the grocery store first! We know the importance of eating well to keep us healthy and manage our weight. But did you know that how you eat also controls how our skin looks and feels? Proper nutrition…
