Lead by Example

“A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not.” Unknown I know what you’re thinking, and I’m not talking work here. I’m talking about some of the most precious people in our lives ~ our children! Sometimes we need to take a step back and make sure that what we are teaching them…

Hey MOM!!! You busy?

Can you run me to practice? Can you iron my shirt? Be at my game at 5. When’s dinner? I don’t have any clean clothes! We don’t have anything to eat in this house. Can I have some friends over? Ok. So you’re pulled in every direction, overworked, not getting enough sleep but more than…

Tips for Trips with Kids

Recently, My husband, 2 children and I ventured on a 7 Day Royal Caribbean cruise that we earned from Beachbody coaching. Then in April it was off to Jamaica for the extended family vacation. So all of this traveling led me to blog my thoughts about what works for us when traveling with kids. Mine…