BODIES ARE FAKE – PhotoShopping the Perfect Body

Photoshopped Pictures! Don’t believe everything you see on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and more! Experts at Photoshop are able to manipulate images in whatever way they want! You can create perfectly smooth skin. Whiter teeth. A smaller waist. A bigger butt. Bigger boobs. The possibilities are endless. Check out my before and after images so you can…


How do YOU stay motivated- Fitness Professionals? To Keep On….To be a Team Player….to be creative….to be more? FITNESS INSTRUCTOR BURN OUT – it’s a real thing! Being the one responsible for motivating others day after day requires a servant’s heart, cause we all know- their ain’t no big money in fitness j-o-b-s. What I…

Video Marketing Stats – Critical Steps for 2016 Video Marketing Stats – Critical Steps for 2016 Social Times: 2015: The Year of Video Marketing (Infographic) By Kimberlee Morrison: The infographic dubs 2015 the year of video marketing. Imagine, in just a few short years, most of the internet will be video-based. This means long, text-based articles will be pushed aside. NOW is the…