How To Create A Successful Blog

Do you want to start blogging? Do you already blog? Do you have a niche to blog about? 1. Posting frequency matters, but not as much as persistence. It’s no secret that the more quality content you publish on your blog, the faster it will grow. However, there’s something that’s significantly more important than your…


Do you set the example for your kids when it comes to nutrition? Do you make one meal for yourself and a different one for your kids? How can you help your kids make better food choices? Make a schedule.      Children need to eat every three to four hours: three meals, two snacks, and lots…

Are You A Leader?

What makes a good leader? Do you have leadership characteristics? Is there a difference between a leader and a manager? What is leadership, anyway? Such a simple question, and yet it cannot be answered simply. Let’s start with what leadership is not… Leadership has nothing to do with seniority or one’s position in the hierarchy…


Do you expect to see instant results? Do you feel your fitness goals do not come fast enough? Do you have realistic fitness goals? Long-term health and strength require an investment in your body that might not pay noticeable dividends for weeks or months. It’s scary, but true. Of course, it’s no fun to keep…