Getting Started in Your Workout

Want to start a new workout but don’t know how? Need to figure out why your new workout plan is not working for you? Do you know the ‘secret sauce’ for a good workout? If getting active and staying healthy were easy, everyone would do it…but they don’t. You come home after a long day…

Don’t Worry; Be Happy

Do you surround yourself with positive people? What kind of vibes do you give off? Are you the energy sucker in the crowd? Did I just date myself with that title? Who knew that song was such good advice? 🙂 Do some people just drain the life out of you? You know, energy suckers? Surprisingly, they are…


Do you set the example for your kids when it comes to nutrition? Do you make one meal for yourself and a different one for your kids? How can you help your kids make better food choices? Make a schedule.      Children need to eat every three to four hours: three meals, two snacks, and lots…


Do you expect to see instant results? Do you feel your fitness goals do not come fast enough? Do you have realistic fitness goals? Long-term health and strength require an investment in your body that might not pay noticeable dividends for weeks or months. It’s scary, but true. Of course, it’s no fun to keep…