Using Social Media to Grow Your Business

Can social media help your business grow? Using social media tog row your business. What can social media do for you? Social Media Marketing Trends For Business Growth New social networking platforms appear daily. It is a guessing game to know exactly where to commit your time and resources. It is important to look ahead…

How to Effectively Follow Up

Fortune is in the follow up, right? Who coined that phrase? We all use it, say it to our team, and sink our head in guilt when we know we didn’t follow up and lost that contact or business. Why is following up with people so scary? Is it because you are afraid of no?…

How to Start Conversations

When you come from a place of genuine interest and warmth, almost anything you say will be well received and appreciated. What you actually say doesn’t have to be clever, how knowledgable you are, or how much you can “save” them will actually create alienation and a loss of connection. People appreciate others showing genuine…