Curious about the Tabata craze? Looking for new HIIT workout? Short on time but need results? There are various workout styles that you may have heard about; all styles are meant to help you reach your fitness goal. You may want to increase strength, lose weight, improve flexibility or build muscle. All in all, most exercise…

What Workout will Work for ME?

This is a question I get a lot. I mean it’s either cardio or strength training or both – right?   Well, at a high level, sure.   But if you really want your workouts to be the most effective, understanding the type of cardio and strength training you’re doing is key. Wait, the hours on the…

Summertime Workouts!

Are you too busy during for a summertime workout? Do you need extra motivation to stay fit when the whether is warm? Bar-b-q or workout? Which do you choose? As much as you may love the ocean and warm, sun-kissed skin in the summer, the season has one little blip: You may be tempted to…


Are you looking for a new workout? Do you enjoy the outdoors? Do you have a friend to workout with? Getting fit for summer doesn’t mean that you have to spend all your free time at the gym. Get outside! You can get a really killer cardiovascular workout — as well as tone and strengthen…